Jessica Baeuchle is a name you’ve probably heard of a few times at Volleyball Beach if you’ve played in any tournaments we host! We brought her on board here to run our tournaments the day of and we’re so glad we did!
What would you say you’re known for at VBB?
Calling 5 minute warning and time on the keeps. I also make sure that tournaments stay on schedule.
Do you play a lot of Volleyball?
I do, I play in leagues myself 2-3 nights a week.
How long have you been playing/working at VBB?
6 years.
How many tournaments are you in charge of every year?

Jessica is second from the right.
It varies in the dome, usually 2 a month but during spring, summer, and fall I will work around 3-4 a month!
What is your favorite tournament to be in charge of?
They are all a lot of fun and the people are always great. My favorite is the Amethyst Place tournament, I host that and used to work there. It’s an amazing organization for women and children and we always have a great turnout.
What other hobbies or things do you like to do in your free time?
I love watching and playing sports Go Chiefs!! I also enjoy spending time with my family and friends.
What is your favorite thing about VBB?
The people! It’s a great environment and always a lot of fun.
We’re so glad you found us, Jessica! From everyone here at Volleyball Beach, thank you for always bringing fun and excitement to our charity tournaments. We love having you as a part of our family!
Ready to become a member of our Volleyball Beach family like Jessica? Click here to learn how to sign up for an upcoming tournament. Or, Spring League registration opens February 11th promptly at 9:00 AM.
Don’t miss out on your chance to join in on the fun!