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Travis, Jake, Matt, Katlyn, Ashley, & Jillian

Meet the Notorious D.I.G. Team!

This team, like many other at Volleyball Beach, was formed by a group of friends looking for something different and fun to do together. Each member had an athletic background, so choosing something active was a no-brainer! Keep reading below to learn more about the Notorious D.I.G. team!

How long have you guys been playing at Volleyball Beach?

We have been playing in the B league for about a year now.

Do you play in any of the weekend tournaments?

A few of us first played at Volleyball Beach during one of these tournaments, so we still try to join in the fun when we can. A lot of the tournaments are for charity, so it’s great to get out there and have fun together for a good cause.

Favorite thing about playing at Volleyball Beach?

We love our time at the Beach because it’s a chance to chill out, spend time together, and enjoy a drink or two while staying active. We all are pretty athletic and played other sports growing up and in college, so we really enjoy the friendly competition. The wins are great and the losses aren’t really that bad, so it’s a fun time either way for us.

Notorious D.I.G. Team, Playing in Volleyball Beach’s Winter Dome

Do you guys have a favorite season to play in?

We don’t really have a favorite season, but we do really like that Volleyball Beach has a giant winter dome. It’s awesome to still have a place to play during the winter, and it’s always consistent in the dome. Same temperature and lighting every time.

Any favorite food or drinks?

We typically play in the last time slot of the evening, so we don’t normally get food. Usually, we will just grab a bucket of beers and seltzers to split while we play.

Any advice for people who have never played at Volleyball Beach?

Just get out there, and try it out! Start off in the recreational league, or come play in one of the tournaments. You might not be consistent at first, but when you get that perfect serve or spike, you’ll be hooked! No matter your skill level, you will have a great time. Just remember to enjoy the moment and enjoy spending time with friends!

Gather up your friends and get your own team started!
Click here to learn more about the leagues at Volleyball Beach!